The coronavirus positive number increased up to 13,463 (it was 6,720 as of 1st of May), 336 died (was 192), as of Today 31st of May 2020. It means we doubled the positive number through this one month.
The government has been opening its economic activities since the first half of this month.
- Since 8th, we are allowed to buy maximum 6 units of beer or 1 unit of other alcoholic liqueur (such as wine and whisky).
- Since 13th, the activities of the “Block 1” such as electronic commerce, mechanical workshop, technical services and fishing were allowed to be restarted under certain conditions.
- From Tomorrow, 1st of June 2020, the “Block 2” is to be opened. This block includes construction of public works, industry (some types of manufacturing), public parks and sportive spaces, etc.
- From Tomorrow, the lockdown will be much eased. The restriction of “2 hours x 3 days per week” will be eliminated and the new restriction is simply the ban of night outings after 7pm until 5am.
The government’s conference is no longer held daily-based, and is now held just occasionally.
According to the conference on 27th May, the effective reproductive number of Panama went up again to 1.06. It seems never adequately below 1 since always.

The last one week saw a significant increase of positive cases. I’m not hearing why. And the activities throughout the country will be increased drastically from Tomorrow. To be honest, I’m very afraid. Well, I would go to buy some alcoholic liqueurs Tomorrow for possible/probable strict re-lockdown.

ref: La Prensa
My past post of update on May 1st 2020:
Improving UDON and NATTO.